Sunday 2 June 2013

Not everyone's cup of tea.

A wonderfully busy weekend (which started with a BIG Friday).
Today there was a 5pm concert in the church, as most Sundays.
Today the choir sang the music from the Coronation (60 years ago today) and a former vicar who lives in the parish shared his memories of being a choirboy in Westminster Abbey when the Queen was crowned.
A family of 3 generations was leaving the tea rooms just before the concert began.
I mentioned what was going on and suggested they might like to see it. It was only going to be 45 minutes long, I said, and might be a good way to finish their outing.
"What do you think, mum?" the oldest member of the group was asked, "would you like to hear that?"
"No, I don't like coronation music," she answered, "I prefer something more bouncy."

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