Wednesday 25 May 2016


We're heading towards the next Bank Holiday weekend and have no idea what awaits. Apart from twenty people coming for a birthday breakfast of bacon sandwiches and scones on Monday.

It's a mixed-up week.
Yesterday was busy (Maisemore Local History Group) while today was relatively quiet.
At one point today though the conservatory was filling up but the main tearoom was totally empty.
Then a couple walked in and ordered tea and cake for two.
I suggested they might like to sit in the conservatory, unless they preferred to take their tea together away from everyone else?
"Oh no, no," she answered, "we're well past that. We've been married more than 49 years."
I asked them when the fiftieth anniversary would be?
"Next year," said he.
"Anything planned?" I questioned....
"Suicide" he answered.
She laughed and laughed.
So did he.
We liked them a lot.

Monday 23 May 2016


A strange weekend. Saturday was very quiet. We were overstaffed to the point that I went home to do some paperwork. Then Sunday was really busy.
Can't-fill-the-cake-display-fast-enough busy.
Whip-yet-another-pint-of-cream busy.

Today we have had people from all over.
Four young women from Australia who wanted an early lunch.
A family from Portland, Oregon who wanted a late one.
And a man from the 1970s who asked for "a carafe of water".
A jug had to suffice.

I keep meaning to say that this week the wisteria is in full bloom and it's just marvellous.

Monday 16 May 2016

Not always with it.

Talking at cross purposes. I think that's what it's called.
On Saturday it was hot but we nevertheless sold a lot of jacket potatoes.
In fact we sold out of all the jackets we'd cooked in the oven to a fine crispness.
Shortly after reaching the no-jackets point I was stopped in the garden by a lady:
"Have you had a jacket handed in?" she asked.
I was bemused. Why would anyone hand in a jacket potato? How could it be lost?
I must have looked confused.
She repeated her question and pointed to an empty table where she'd been sitting for her lunch.
Then the penny dropped.
She meant a jacket. A real jacket. Just like the one we'd found when we cleared her table and which we had hung on the coat hooks.

Monday 9 May 2016


A spider living in a light fitting - that's apparently been the cause of days of electric problems.
Not only that but a spider living in a light we don't even use.
Who'd have thought?
Lee thought.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Trip Hazard

Since Thursday we have had electricity problems.
We know the trip system works well as on Friday we kept losing power. We'd track it to what we thought was the culprit, turn it off and then wait and hope.
All appeared well.
Then it would happen again and the finger would point to another assassin.
I was particularly bothered because I was going away for the weekend so we printed signs warning people that we may have a more limited menu and I waltzed away leaving the team to it.
The whole weekend (sunny, hot, busy) went brilliantly despite the intermittent supply.
Sometimes I don't think I even need to be there any more.
Lee (electrician) is coming tomorrow to try to sort us out.
Fingers crossed.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Day trip.

Sunny, hot. The second day in a row of proper Spring, nay one might even say Summer weather.
It's all very strange after the snow of last week.
The fans came out of the cupboard and we were reminded just how hard it can be to work in a hot kitchen on a hot day.
Then this afternoon we lost power. Resetting trips and testing what was causing the chaos took an age. Adrian thinks he's followed the clues to the immersion heater. I had feared it was fridge-related. We shall wait and hope.

I had several excellent cards for my birthday. Among them one from Katie which said: Tea is a gateway drug to biscuits.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Irony or coincidence?

Today is my 50th birthday.
I know...much younger, right?

I was planning to take the day off but then I had a call from a lady asking if she could bring a coach party of 50 people for coffee and lunch. Yes, 50.

My cake will have to wait.