Sunday, 25 February 2018

Out of this world

It’s certainly been worth opening for February half term. It’s very cold but the weather has stayed dry so families, grandparents, dogs have all ventured out. A hot chocolate at the end of a walk has been very welcome. We now add cream and marshmallows if desired - we’ve called it a Witley Works.
Yesterday a man approached the counter.
“Could we have a couple of coffees for outside?” he asked, “we’ve got a dog.”
I told him he could bring the dog inside as long as it was on a lead. Out of the cold.
He skipped back to tell his partner and they sat near the window having ordered a cappuccino and a chamomile tea.
I took the drinks to their table. To be honest I wasn’t terribly proud of the froth on the coffee. It was pitiful. But when I put it down in front of him I had a response I’ve never had before.
“Cosmic,” he said.
I pointed out he hadn’t tasted it yet.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Nine day wonder

Today the local schools break up for February half term while most of the rest of the country is finishing. We’ve never been open for this holiday before so obviously we have no clue how it’s going to be.
It feels like my first season all over again.
The weather is promising.
The Court is open every day.
The church is open every day.
We’re open every day.
We have drafted in a few members of the main season staff to help us out.
The cake makers have been limbering up for tomorrow.
We’ve ordered more milk and more bread.
Will February deliver and make the whole winter experiment a success?