Sunday, 27 October 2024

Just my type

Our ghostly Halloween Trail started yesterday. 

I was ridiculously nervous. 

Millie and Izzie have done a wonderful job putting it all together and it looks great.

There are six stations in various parts of the garden and one inside. For the young visitors each station includes a letter of the alphabet. They need to find all seven and then work out the word the letters can form, then come and claim their treat. 

For the older children and the adults there’s a trickier element. Each station is like a clue on the TV show Catchphrase. 

Say what you see…

Monday, 21 October 2024

A terrifying end

 Halloween is approaching, as is the final week of the season and my last in charge.

Witley Court has been temporarily closed for essential maintenance and their half term activities have been cancelled. 

Prior to his year we haven’t done much for Halloween - scary fairy cakes, Witches’ Brew soup (which can be anything, let’s face it, but usually contains pumpkin), a few hats and broomsticks on the coat hooks - but this year we are putting on an event. Which is frightening for me. 

We are creating a Halloween Ghostly Garden Trail. Seven stations, all different, with a cryptic catchphrase at each. 

Most of it is outside. 

Bony, skeleton fingers crossed for dry weather.