Tuesday 31 March 2015

Wet and Wild

The card machine is back. Or rather, we have a new one. It is slightly different from the old one which means we're going to have to get used to a new till and a new card machine at the same time. Some members of staff haven't been in yet so they may have a shock....

The second set of cards have arrived and are making us laugh.
The wind is not amusing.
All of the benches were on their backs when I arrived this morning. The plastic chairs were strewn around the garden, customers came in damp and windswept - one girl had to dry her clothes on the radiators having been standing a little too close to the fountain during one of the stronger gusts.

Don came to celebrate his 84th birthday in coffee. He's not allowed cake, he says, cos he's diabetic, so he had a second latte.

The rain and wind sent everyone home early. Including me.

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