Tuesday 7 April 2015

No butts

I couldn't have written anything yesterday.
Easter Monday is usually busy but this was beyond superlatives and I was far too tired to try to sum it up.
Mary had made ninety scones in the morning. All gone by 4.30, and even if we had more to sell we'd run out of cream.
We also ran out of bread, panini, baking potatoes, tea cakes, hot cross buns, red onion marmalade, cheese, smoked salmon and peppers.
We did not run out of milk chiefly because we had 64 pints delivered yesterday morning.
This morning I had to go out for more.

Today was lovely. Busy, but not on yesterday's scale.
A group of ladies were in the garden at the end of the day. One told me that she always likes to help clear her own table ever since a stint working in the BHS restaurant:
"That was back in the days," she said, "when people would stub their cigarettes out in their food."
Which somehow made me feel a lot better.

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