Monday 1 June 2015

They dined on mince and slices of quince

"I have a complaint," he said when I arrived at his table for the second time, "my runcible fork is for right-handed people and I am left-handed."

He had a twinkle in his eye. He also had a point.
Which had never been made to me before.
To start with I'd never heard a pastry fork called "runcible" and I didn't really know what it meant. I gathered that it was a fork with a sharp edge for cutting.
"He's looked everywhere for a left-handed one," added his equally lovely wife, "believe me he's bought them from all over the place but when they arrive they're all right-handers."

I went back inside and checked our stock (must have been a quietish day...)
I found two pastry forks which were of indeterminate right-leftness. Neither had a sharp edge. I took them out to show him.

"Hmmm, I see," said he, "Not really runcible though."

He looked at this one:

"I particularly like this," he added, "it's very Roman."

I turned to his wife and told her that he seemed to know his forks.
She rolled her eyes, "We have a very interesting marriage" she said, smiling.

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