Saturday 26 March 2016

24 little hours

Two very different days.
Yesterday was rammed. People started coming at 10.30 and didn't stop. They queued into the conservatory and no matter how many orders we filled and took out the queue didn't diminish. 
A real shock to the system on day two of the season.
Every table inside and out was filled, emptied and filled again. We ran out of almost everything. No time to talk to customers.
I hated it.

Then today - cold, windy and rainy, but still Easter weekend - we didn't break a sweat. There was time to chat to visitors who'd come from all over the Midlands. 
A lady told me about a material shop she can spend hours in ("not to mention money" added her husband). 
A man wearing two-tone shoes, a waistcoat and floral shirt told me he used to dress very badly but has recently started to dress up and now loves it. 
The wind blew the garden furniture about a bit and a pinnacle off the church (no one was hurt in either incident and no one could really explain what a pinnacle is).
We closed up and were locking up at 5. 
Yesterday it was 6.45. 
I have no idea what to expect from Easter Sunday. 

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