Saturday 30 March 2019

And we’re off...

Here it is.
Day one of full opening for 2019.
Sunny and bright.
Just what we ordered.
Over the last three days we’ve washed everything, swept everywhere, wiped everything, mopped everywhere. We’ve also served a healthy number of customers who’ve taken advantage of the late March sunshine.
The best thing to happen yesterday was the upgrade of the old, slow dishwasher. A different cable and a few tweaks inside and it’s gone from 13amp to 30amp and, more importantly from a 9-minute cycle to a 3-minute cycle. This makes me ridiculously happy.
Lee, the electrician, also hardwired in the second, new dishwasher.
The old, dead, scrap one was still in the kitchen when Dave arrived with a drinks and crisps delivery.
“What’s happening with that old dishwasher?” Lee asked me.
I told him I had to move it outside to go to the tip.
“Need any help?” asked Lee, and he nodded towards Dave’s sack trolley thing, a bit like this one:

Lee manhandled the dishwasher onto Dave’s trolley and Dave pushed it outside, up the path and round the back to the broken chair graveyard.
“That was good timing,” said Lee.
“Not for me, it wasn’t,” said Dave.

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