Wednesday, 31 March 2010

And so to April

A grandfather and his very polite grandson came for lunch. The older man didn't want a jacket spud because of his dentures. He had the "mildly curried parsnip" soup instead. Naming soup is quite fun, but obviously I haven't got the hang of it yet.
The Environmental Health Officer is coming tomorrow morning. On April Fools Day.
You couldn't make it up.


  1. like this blog a lot! it's going to brighten my days!

    what did the env health man say?

    i just tried to sign up to follow you but forgot i'm matt at the mo as on his pc so matt may be following you (i got confused not sure i completed the process).

    Off to sunny Wales for a few days but will follow you over Easter via matt's phone.

    lots of love and luck and see you Monday.

    (sparky is a coeliac. and she loves cake.)

    L xxxxxxxxxx

  2. ok it is me but first pic i came across which is of my halloween cup cakes so sort of appropriate.


  3. a late post on the soup front. A rival in North Yorkshire bills their version as "Lightly curried parsnip soup"....
