Friday 27 September 2013

A real tonic

We had some real characters in today and thankfully the time to speak to them.

There was the young couple who ordered panini and coffee. When I delivered his cappuccino he asked for a mug of hot water, waved a sachet of lemsip and made what my kids would term 'a sad face'. He was on leave and had come down with a cold.  He smiled when his girlfriend bought him a therapeutic raspberry coconut slice.

There was the couple who sat outside with a beautiful English Setter. They told me the dog's name is Mr Cooper. He was named by their then four year old grandson who rather liked his school dinner lady - Mrs Cooper.  Their smoked salmon sandwich was half on white and half on granary bread - all we had left by the time they ordered.

There was the couple who had dressed in the same coloured clothing, but didn't realise until we asked if they'd done it deliberately, the couple searching for the local fishing pools, and the three toddlers learning to swim who arrive with wet hair and their mums on Fridays.

A lovely day.

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