Tuesday 25 June 2024


This is my fifteenth season.

I have recently decided that it will also be my last. I’ll be hanging up my apron on Sunday 3rd November and handing over the tearooms to a yet-to-be-decided someone.

Like the Conservatives I have been in power since 2010. It’s time for a change. 

I shall try to document these last few months if only so that I remember them in the years to come when I’m hoping to be doing something entirely different. 

I’ll miss it, I’m sure. There are so many good things about working there. So many things I’ll miss.

On Sunday a lady ordered a smoked salmon panini for her young son. We asked her if she was sure? The smoked salmon would be heated by the panini press. We had never done one before. 

Yes, she said, he was a fussy eater and that’s what he wanted. She thanked us for doing it.

Later she thanked me for clearing up the mess after her son threw up on the patio.

Yes. There’s a lot I shall miss. 

A question of taste

 “The cheese you use in your sandwiches, what is it?”

We use a Taw Valley Cheddar.

“Is it nice?”

I answer that it is, despite the fact that I don’t like cheese. Unless it’s melted. Which doesn’t count here. I answer yes because we’ve always had good comments on it. 

She continues:

“And the plum and balsamic onion relish,” she is reading from the menu, “is that nice?” 

The urge to use sarcasm is strong.

I squash it.