Sunday, 6 June 2010


The forecast had been dreadful. Thunder showers, they said, but it was bright and sunny and we put some extra tables outside. All the early birds commented that the forecasters had got it wrong again and it may make people stay at home. We had a quiet-ish lunch for a Sunday and were never rushed, so two young members of staff not turning up was a blessing. Then the rain came. Thunder, lightning, torrents of water. We rushed to bring the tables back in. People in the conservatory had to shout to be heard, such was the level of noise on the roof. We were back in teacake and hot chocolate zone again. Two men told me they wish they'd come in the morning, but they'd been watching Glee and couldn't tear themselves away.
This weekend I have started a trial of ice-lollies called "Just Scrummy". They're made with fruit juice by a woman in Worcester and they're going down quite well, although I do wonder if I've jinxed the weather just by having them in the freezer.

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