Tuesday, 13 July 2010


People still come in the rain. That's a relief cos the forecast is pretty awful for the next few days. Becky's mum texted with exciting news: the blog entry about my Sainsbury's delivery was only read out on Woman's Hour.
I have a pathetic four bottles of pressé left as the ordered boxes haven't shown up. I rang them this morning and they told me they'd left the store but none of the couriers had them. They're sending more.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gill,
    I have to confess it was me who sent the Sainsburys story to Jane. She told me she was doing women who blog on Woman's Hour and I copied and pasted the story to her in an e-mail as she is incapable of reading blogs herself. In a similar vein I got a story on Simon Mayo last week. I am thinking of taking up pr full time...I presume the cheque is in the post....?
