Thursday 11 July 2013

Cool customers

This evening as I drove my two minute off-road commute home the digital display in my car (about the most mod of mod cons in my vehicle) told me it was 23 degrees.
At 7pm.
I could only imagine what the temperature had been earlier in the day when two ladies ordered their lunch.
They went to sit outside together with absolutely everyone else who came today.
But moments later they came back in.
"May we sit in the conservatory?" they asked, "it's a bit chilly out there."
I, fanning my face, answered that they could of course sit anywhere, but that the conservatory was incredibly hot.
"We want hot" they said, pulling their cardigans close around them.
They sat and had their lunch in their cardis, on one of the hottest days of the year so far. And looked at those sitting outside as if they were mad.

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