Wednesday 24 September 2014

Big Bang Theory

Yesterday the coffee machine went bang.
And there was a flash of light where a flash of light should not have been.
The coffee machine pressure dial headed rapidly to zero.
The pressure dial in my head went in the opposite direction.

I called the lovely coffee people who said it didn't sound very good and they'd call the manufacturers to get an engineer out.
We washed up all the coffee paraphernalia and put on an extra filter jug so that we wouldn't disappoint too many coffee drinkers.
And then.
I had a thought.
When the machine made its noise it would have tripped the electricity.
I reset the trip and was (and still am) astonished to hear the machine starting up again. The pressure gauge needle rose. The tank filled.
I made myself a latte.

Today I have held my breath, but all has been back to normal.
I have NO IDEA what the bang could have been.
But my plan is to ignore it.

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