Thursday 11 September 2014

Portrait of a Prize Idiot

"I love iPads" I said, confidently, "they're so....erm...what's the opposite of counter-intuitive?"
"Intuitive" answered Bob, who is the son-in-law of 90 year-old Jim, the new owner of an iPad.
Jim had brought his tablet to the tearooms.
He wanted to take a photo with it.
Of me. (Very counter intuitive)
But try as we might we couldn't get it off video and onto camera. I kept stabbing the thing with my finger. Bob kept stabbing it with a silver stick with a sort of rubber end. We kept taking videos of our knees.
Jim looked amused.
I regretted my confident opening statement.
And took the iPad inside where there were two members of staff under the age of 21 who, with barely a glance, showed me what to do (don't stab, slide).
Jim, Bob and I then took a selfie.

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