Friday, 21 May 2010


Hot. Very hot. Churlish to say too hot?
I found myself wishing that the Summer would be a bit more British. Less of this Med stuff. It's really wearing. And it's only Day One of it. The forecast for the weekend is even warmer.
Almost everyone sat outside today, under the umbrellas which we've now set up for as many of the tables as we could. Everyone except a couple with a combined age of 184 years who sat in the conservatory and had ham salads and a cream tea. She's 93, he's 91. They've been married for 65 years. They met and wed during the 2nd World War when they were both in the forces. They look amazing, and I longed to stay talking with them but people came (and most wanted quiche). I really hope they come back on a quieter day.

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