Tuesday, 4 May 2010

May the fourth be with you.

I picked up bread and asparagus soup bags, made the soup (for the first time), went to buy salad supplies from the farm shop, made myself a takeaway coffee and left Jennifer and Freda to do the rest. Lovely.
In a bizarre twist to my life what I'd really wanted to do on my birthday was not to have a massage (though that would be lovely) or go shopping, but to vaccuum my house. Whilst the tea rooms look lovely my own house is a dump, and tomorrow an 8 week old black labrador joins our family (are we completely bereft of any sense? You judge.). I managed to sort out one room by moving the debris into another and then went to the pub for lunch.
Jennifer and Freda coped admirably with Sara's help.
Six people ate my soup.


  1. Are you mad woman? Actually don't answer that I already know the answer!

  2. Happy Birthday (for yesterday)! and good luck with the doggy. xx
