Monday 9 July 2018

Trip the light fantastic

I counted my chickens way too early.
The spider web was actually a red herring.
It was not the cause of the electrical problems which returned with a vengeance in the middle of a very busy Sunday lunchtime. This time we couldn’t get much to work at all. We offered filter coffee, tea, cold drinks, sandwiches and salads. Oh and ice cream, although I was very precious about the length of time anyone left the ice cream freezer lid open.
At the end of a difficult day Adrian managed to get the fridges and freezers back on.
We went in this morning wondering what on earth was going to happen.
It didn’t take us long to find out.
Trips galore.
Once again we were facing no coffee machine, no water boiler, no dishwashers, no fridges and no till or card machine.
Once again people were very understanding.
Once again we called Lee who told me he’d find the problem.
He was like a superhero. Using superhero language. He actually said that he’d never been beaten before and wasn’t about to be beaten now.
While he was working, walking from room to room, taking covers off things and drinking his tea with multiple sugars the electrics would occasionally trip. I’d wince. He’d smile, “that’s good,” he said, “that’s what it should have done.” He tracked it eventually to the light fitting in the conservatory - a light fitting we don’t even use.
He is confident it’s now sorted. This makes me confident.
Still I’ll be crossing my fingers tomorrow.

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