Sunday 28 August 2011

Learning from Madonna

I've been away this week. We went to Yorkshire for some unexpected sunshine. We were forecast rain and instead we did York and Malton and Whitby and Brimham Rocks and Malham in T-shirts. Lovely.
At Malham we had afternoon tea. Had to test out the scones and the idea that in Yorkshire if you order fruit cake they give you a piece of cheese with it. They didn't. But the scones were great.
On the walk to the cove I was thinking about next season (only a few weeks of this one left) and how to make changes without, well, changing. Sort of like Madonna. We need to reinvent ourselves every so often without alienating the core audience who will always love a bit of Vogue and Papa Don't Preach.
I'm not suggesting noisettes d'agneau just yet, but would the Get-Into-the-Groovers like a Pork Pie Platter to play alongside the jolly successful Lightwood Cheddar Ploughmans?

In other news I've been asked to give a talk to the local WI on the lighter side of running a tea rooms.


  1. They're a tough audience, the WI; particularly if you're talking cakes.

  2. Thanks for those words of comfort. Will let you know how it goes. It's not til October...
