Tuesday 14 August 2012

Food. But not fast.

Such a busy one.
And unexpected. The forecast I'd seen had not been promising.
So when the rush came and didn't let up we just kept our heads down and worked through it. Order after order - and there were only four of us. One took orders for teas, coffees, sandwiches, jacket potatoes, toasted teacakes, cake, quiche, salads, one made the lunches, one cleared and washed up and one filled and took out trays. The cake display had only three items left in it by the end of the day.
We tried to warn everyone that it might take us longer than usual to get stuff to them. Most didn't mind a bit. They'd found a table in the garden and were soaking up the sun for the afternoon.
But one lady didn't like the wait. And she told me so, with a couple at the next table joining in for good measure. I gave her back her money and apologised. She went on her way with her friend.
But it was another couple who reduced me to tears.
They'd witnessed the complaint while waiting for their own lunch.
When they'd eaten and were preparing to leave they pressed a five pound note into my hand:
"We can see how hard you've all been working," they said, "and we'll certainly be back. We love it here."
I cried.

Later this afternoon the friend of the complainer rang the tea rooms to apologise.
She told us she couldn't wait to get home to call.

There are some truly lovely people in this world.  Thank you.

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