Saturday 12 April 2014

Memo to the forecasters

Today's first customers, a gentleman and lady, were meeting two other couples for a coffee. They hadn't seen the other couples for more than thirty years and were worried they wouldn't recognise each other.
Of course they did.
Most of us, I've realised, don't change that much.
We just dye our hair, or lose our hair, or cut our hair or grow our hair. Get past the hair and there we are. Same as it ever was.
I expected it to be busy but in fact it was REALLY busy. The conservatory filled up, emptied and filled up again. Alex and Louisa came with Louisa's parents to talk about their wedding in August.
Or more specifically about their reception (we're not serving canapés during the vows).
We need good weather. I am putting in an early request for warm and sunny but not too hot.

I really enjoyed today.
Lovely people, no stress, and some nice comments about my lemon drizzle cake.

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