Thursday, 22 July 2010


Eileen's back tomorrow. She's been at the Royal Welsh Show for the last few days where her job was testing cows milk. The show-cows still have to be milked, and their milk has to be tested apparently. Tested for what? I shall ask her. And I'll ask her how she tests it. And then I'll make her a latte.
We had a good day today with a surprising amount of sunshine. Ita said I hid from the public, which is probably right. I didn't feel 100% so did washing up, went out to collect produce, ordered supplies, that sort of thing. Ita called me when someone ordered a macchiato - the first time this has ever happened in our tea rooms. Macchiato means stained or marked. It's an espresso (easy enough) with a fine layer of foam on the top, just enough to stain the coffee with the milk.
Not many people's cup of tea.

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