Wednesday 21 April 2010

Light relief

"How light is your light lunch because I once had a duck down sandwich?" That's the calibre of Wednesday's tea room repartee. I told the customer to watch his step or he'd end up on my blog. Another man came to the counter to complain that he hadn't noticed we had teacakes until he'd smelled one toasting. By which time he'd already had cake. And this is my fault? Many, many couples came today - mostly in their late fifties/early sixties. Again they loved the "taste of the garden" soup and fruit cake was favoured above the chocolate and vicky sponge.
The man from the George Formby Soc rang as I was dragging bindweed out of the conservatory. He just wanted to chat for half an hour after having heard me on BBC Hereford and Worcester. I've apparently been mentioned on his website. Must check that out. (Just did. Can't find anything.)


  1. Gill. Ginger scones. They're the future.

  2. recipe? ground ginger or pieces?
    jam and cream or summat else?
    i need info.

  3. 4 chunks of preserved ginger chopped up and a large pinch of dried ginger to the mixture. Serve with jam and cream for the best experience.
