Thursday, 9 September 2010

Worth their wait in gold

Most mornings the English Heritage gals (and one guy) pop in during their litter-pick. They use the loo and/or take away a cuppa for their day in the Witley Court "cabin", checking tickets, taking entrance fees and handing out area maps. This morning Katherine asked if we knew they had a coach party booked in.
We didn't.
Thirty two people, on a trip from north Wales arrived all at once for lunch. Aaaggggghhhhhhh. There were only three of us working. Aaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhhh. They came at 12.15 and their tour of the court was scheduled for 1300. AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
My normally rosey cheeks grew redder and redder.
We swam against the tide for an hour, only coming up for air when they'd gone when we stared at the debris covering almost every table.
There are so many lovely people in this world. So many who smiled, said they didn't mind waiting they could see we were busy, the food was worth waiting for and what a nice place to wait for a cup of tea anyway.
There are a few grumpsters in this world who despite standing in line to order a cappuccino (therefore knowing how busy we were), and despite being able to see the rate at which a couple of women are working (and managing to smile), grunt their disapproval when one delivers their drink and mention how long they've been waiting.
One of our Georgian-post-box-bird-boxes is on its way to a garden in Germany. The German mum and daughter who bought it were among those who waited far too long for coffee but didn't seem to mind a bit.

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